The curriculum of St. Michael's Primary School is the lived pathway to the educational hopes expressed in our graduates outcomes. It should embrace the government and Diocesan requirements as well as being relevant to the students and families of our community.
Curriculum Foundations:
- The Religious Education curriculum is based on the direction given by the Diocese of Sandhurst.
- The curriculum for areas other than Religious Education is based on the curriculum framework of Victoria, or Australia, as directed by the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria.
- The English curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum using the links to West Australian First Steps English as the primary planning and pedagocical pathway.
- The Mathematics curriculum will be based on the Australian Curriculum using the links to West Australian First Steps English as the primary planning and pedagocical pathway.
- The Histrory curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum and will be delivered through the inquiry throughline “Where are we in time and place”.
- The Science curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum and will be delivered through the inquiry throughlines “How the World Works” and “How we share the planet.”