St. Michael’s Primary School, Tallangatta

Courage, Compassion, Community

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The St. Michael's Parish Sacramental Program is organised by St. Michael's Tallangatta Parish with the support of St Michael's Primary School, utilising the Steps in Faith- Sacramental Program.

Students make their first Reconciliation prior to the first Eucharist, generally from Grade Three. The sacrament of penance, known as reconciliation, is not a sacrament of initiation. Reconciliation is a sacrament for the fully initiated as a means of forgiveness after Baptism and for continual conversion. The second form of the rite of reconciliation best meets the needs and abilities of young children. Its liturgy emphasises the communal dimension of forgiveness and the generous mercy of God. Consequently, the period of preparation need only be a few weeks and the interval prior to Confirmation and First Eucharist need only be a few months.

The St. Michael's Parish Sacramental Program is run by the St. Michael's Tallangatta Parish and supported by the St Michael's Primary School, utilising the Steps in Faith- Sacraments of Christian Initiation Program.

So that the close connection between the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist is maintained, two sacraments will normally be administered in the one celebration. Thus Confirmation would more clearly show that it leads towards the Eucharist. When children are ready to receive the Eucharist for the first time, they will be confirmed in the same Mass of their first Communion. So that students have sufficient ability to appreciate the Eucharist, reception is delayed to approximatley Grade Four, when children have a love and yearning for the Eucharist.

Initiation sacraments for children are not sacraments of commitment but rather sacraments of beginning and belonging. Each child approaches these sacraments according to their ability and with the hope of growing in faith, commitment and wisdom in the years ahead. They signify a beginning in the live of the Church; a beginning in the formal process of catechesis and participation in the liturgy; and a beginning of an understanding of the gifts the Holy Spirit.

Further information regarding the Sacramental Program can be obtained by contacting either the St. Michael's Primary School- Religous Education Leader or the Pastoral Leader of St. Michael's Tallangatta Parish.

St. Michael's Primary School provides a child-safe environment, where all students have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and will be protected from harm.

The Sandhurst Catholic Education Office and Schools acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which their Offices and Schools are built. We commit to working in partnership with Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.